A most touching video, "We Are One", sung by Dan Seals, who passed away March 25, 2009:
Honor his blessed memory!
O my God, Thy Trust hath been returned unto Thee. It behooveth Thy grace and Thy bounty that have compassed Thy dominions on earth and in heaven, to vouchsafe unto Thy newly welcomed one Thy gifts and Thy bestowals, and the fruits of the tree of Thy grace! Powerful art Thou to do as Thou willest, there is none other God but Thee, the Gracious, the Most Bountiful, the Compassionate, the Bestower, the Pardoner, the Precious, the All-Knowing. I testify, O my Lord, that Thou hast enjoined upon men to honor their guest, and he that hath ascended unto Thee hath verily reached Thee and attained Thy Presence. Deal with him then according to Thy grace and bounty! By Thy glory, I know of a certainty that Thou wilt not withhold Thyself from that which Thou hast commanded Thy servants, nor wilt Thou deprive him that hath clung to the cord of Thy bounty and hath ascended to the Dayspring of Thy wealth. There is none other God but Thee, the One, the Single, the Powerful, the
Omniscient, the Bountiful.
Song text
We Are One
(Dan Seals)
In a bombed out room in Belfast
A young boy is crying
He’s alone and he don’t understand
How the teachings of one book
Built on love and understanding
Could cause the hurt and killing in his land
In an old part of Jerusalem
Two children are playing
They run and laugh
The way it’s meant to be
But one will wear the star and one will wear the crescent
And they’ll grow up and change from friends to enemies
But we are one
Flowers of one garden
We’re one the leaves of one tree
Let the walls come down
And stand here together
We are one family
In a Pakistani village
A young boy on crutches
Takes a fall
And lies helplessly there
And he holds out his hand
But no one will take it
They won’t touch him
Or the clothes that he wears
On a side street in Selma
A black child is sitting
In a squad car
Protected from the whites
‘Cause they’re burning a cross
To send her a message
And you can see
The fear in her eyes
But we are one
Flowers of one garden
We’re one the leaves of one tree
Let the walls come down
And stand here together
We are one family
Ponder in our hearts
How we were all created
From the same dust
And searching we will find
That spirit of the age
Has come to find us
To find us
But we are one
Flowers of one garden
We’re one the leaves of one tree
Let the walls come down
And stand here together
We are one family
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